Vertical Anamorphic Short
What happens when you put an old 2X projection lens in front of the URSA 12K and turn it sideways?

Something quite unique indeed.
To understand what happens when we turn a 2X anamorphic lens on its side, we have to understand the the URSA 12K’s Super 35 sensor
Blackmagic Design’s URSA 12K has Super 35 sensors have an effective 17:9 aspect ratio.
If we were to use the anamorphic lens in a typical way, we’d be 2X-ing the 17, making the new native aspect ratio 34:9, essentially 3:1 (example can be seen below).

But since we turned the lens sideways, we’re now 2X-ing the 9 in the 17:9 ratio, causing the image to be a nearly a square at 17:18.

Without further ado, here are the 30 shots from the project,
Vertical Anamorphic Short
(currently showing a little compressed, will try to upload higher res soon)